Electric motorcycle conversion for BMW boxers

Futureproof classic: An electric motorcycle conversion for boxers

Dropping an electric drivetrain into a classic motorcycle is hardly a new concept, but it’s still an endeavor largely reserved for outliers. The automotive electric ‘crate’ motor industry is huge—but in the bike world, options are few and far between, and most electric motorcycle conversions are one-offs. That’s slowly changing though. A while back, Luuc…

Custom BMW R75/5 by Roughchild Motorcycles

Roughchild’s BMW R75/5 is a love letter to the airhead


Calling Robert Sabel a purist would be missing the point. His Los Angeles-based shop, Roughchild Motorcycles, works exclusively on BMWs, without ever straying too far from their original looks. But their builds are more than just restoration jobs; they might look vintage on the surface, but they’re loaded with stealthy modern upgrades. “We sympathetically combine…